Privacy Policy

This User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement, User Agreement) regulates the relationship between Echange and Users of the Echange website.

References in this agreement to Echange , as well as references to the words “Echange”, “we”, “our”, “contractor” refer to Echange, and the words “you”, “your”, “user”, “customer” refer to the person with whom Echange enters into this Agreement.

By using the Echange website, you agree that you have read, understood and accepted all the terms contained in this Agreement, as well as in the Privacy Policy.

If you do not agree with the terms of the User Agreement, the use of the Echange website is not allowed.​

1.Meeting the criteria

1.1. You hereby agree and confirm that you have: reached the legal age required to accept these Terms; you have not been suspended or prohibited from using the Services previously.

1.2. If you use the Services on behalf of a legal entity, you also represent and warrant that: the legal entity is duly registered and operates in accordance with the applicable laws of the jurisdiction of its registration, and this legal entity has authorized you to act on its behalf.

2. Terms and definitions

2.1. Echange is a trademark of the system that provides Users with the opportunity to Echange digital and electronic currency.

2.2. Service — a system for providing Internet services for the Echange, sale and purchase of digital and/or electronic currencies.

2.3. The User is any natural person using the services of the Echange service.

2.4. Digital currency — Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum and any other currencies based on blockchain.

2.5. A payment system is a software and hardware product developed by a third party and representing a mechanism for the implementation of accounting for monetary obligations, as well as the organization of mutual settlements between its users.

2.6. Services of the service — processing and execution of transactions for the purchase and sale and Echange of digital currencies, as well as other services, information about which is posted on the pages of the Service.

2.7. Payment — transfer of digital currency from the User to the User or Service, as well as in the opposite direction.

2.8. Application is an expression of the User’s intention to use one of the services offered by the Service by filling out an electronic form through the Service’s website, on the terms described in the Agreement and specified in the parameters of this Application.

2.9. Partner – a person who provides the Service with services to attract Users, the terms of which are described in this Agreement.

2.10. Exchange rate — the value ratio of two digital currencies when they are exchanged.

3. Terms of use of the account on the Echange website

3.1. The Echange website is intended for use exclusively for personal purposes. By using the site, you agree that you will not attempt to gain unauthorized access to other users.

3.2. We may also conduct additional checks of your information and request from you any necessary documentation and data related to the exchange (a photo of the card, a receipt for sending funds and other necessary data) for any reason related to your use of the Services and/or as supporting evidence for any information that you provide. If the conditions for providing documents are not met, the service has the right to refuse to provide services and initiate a refund to the sender’s details in accordance with the regulations.

3.2.1 The Echange Service has the right to suspend the operation and withhold the User’s funds in order to prevent fraudulent and other actions that may cause financial and reputational losses for the Service or the User, for the period required for conducting a financial investigation and obtaining transaction details from the payment gateway or the issuing bank.

3.3. The administration of the Echange website may, at any time and at its sole discretion, deny you the opportunity to open an Account, restrict an Account or suspend any transaction until the end of consideration of any information provided by you.

3.4. Confidentiality of your account.​ You acknowledge that you are responsible for maintaining the strict confidentiality of your Account information, protecting your own Digital Currency, as well as for all actions and transactions placed on your Account. You understand that any compromise of your registration information may expose your Account to unauthorized access by third parties, which may lead to the loss or theft of Digital Currency from your Account.

3.5. Security alerts.​ To receive security notifications from the Company, you must inform the Company about changes in your email address and phone number. Under no circumstances will the Company be liable for any damages or losses that you may incur as a result of compromising your account login credentials due to the Company’s lack of fault and/or inability to follow or act on any notices or warnings that we may send to you. Despite the above, the Company does not guarantee to provide you with these warnings or take any other actions in this regard, and is not responsible for this.

3.6. You must immediately notify us of any unauthorized use of your Account or password, alleged hacking of your registration information or any other security breach by email

3.7. Responsibility for the actions of third parties.​ Your account is for personal use only and not for use or access by any third party. In any case, you are solely responsible for all actions or omissions of any third party accessing and/or using your Account.

3.8. You agree that you will not use the Services to carry out any criminal activity, including, but not limited to, money laundering, illegal gambling, terrorist financing. In addition, you guarantee that you will not use methods to conceal the location from which you access the Site, and that you will inform the Company at its request of your exact and true location. If the Company, at its sole discretion, determines that the activity on your Account is suspicious or related to any prohibited activity or illegal operation, the Company may suspend your Account, block any outstanding transactions, reject any subsequent transactions.

4. Services provided on the Echange website

4.1. The order of the Echange Service services is carried out by the User by sending a corresponding Request through the Echange service website.

4.2. By using the services of the Service, the User confirms that he legally owns and disposes of the digital currency participating in the corresponding Payment.

4.3. The currency exchange rate is visible at the time of the User’s Application, and is also fixed for 30 minutes after the Application is created and confirmed by the User on one of the user interface pages.

4.4. After creating an Application, the User is invited to make a payment using the details offered by the service.

4.5. The application gets in the queue for verification by the administration of the service, and after verification and confirmation of the payment, the process of transferring funds to the User’s details takes place.

4.6. Within the time allotted by the regulations (depending on the direction of exchange) from the moment of receipt of funds from the User, in the amount specified in the relevant Application, the Service is obliged to transfer (transfer) The received electronic or fiat currency to the banking details and in the amount specified by the User in the Application, unless force majeure prevents this.

4.7. The Service has the right to cancel an application created by the User for the purchase of digital and/or electronic or fiat currency, if payment for such an application has not been received to the service’s settlement account after 30 (thirty) minutes from the moment of creation of such an application.

4.8. The obligation of the Service to transfer (transfer) The received digital and/or electronic or fiat currency to the User is considered executed at the time of debiting digital and/or electronic or fiat currency in the corresponding Payment system from the Service account, which is recorded in the history of transactions of the corresponding Payment system.

4.9. The obligation of the Service to transfer the monetary equivalent of the transferred digital currency is considered fulfilled at the time of debiting the corresponding amount from the Service account.

4.10. All Echange services are provided without any express or implied warranties, in particular, without implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The Company does not guarantee that the Echange services, as well as the Echange website, will be available 100% of the time to meet your needs. The Company will strive to provide its services to you as soon as possible, but there is no guarantee that access will not be interrupted or that there will be no delays, failures, errors, omissions or loss of transmitted information.

4.11. Echange will make reasonable efforts to ensure access to the services and the Echange website in accordance with this Agreement. However, Echange may suspend the use of the site for maintenance and will make reasonable efforts to notify you in advance. Thus, you agree that you assume the risks associated with the fact that you cannot always use the services and the Echange website or perform urgent transactions using your account.

Addition to the procedure for the provision of services:
4.12. The rate is fixed when creating an application, if the User paid for it within 30 minutes after creation. If the payment is not received within 30 minutes, the status of the application will change automatically to “canceled” (except for applications to replenish the balance of wallets on the site). The user sees the countdown time on the website interface page after creating the Application.

4.13. If the User has paid for the application, but due to circumstances wishes to refuse the exchange before the application is completed, the refund is made minus 5% of the payment amount, the commission within the payment system network and the exchange rate difference (if the exchange rate has changed by more than 1%). After completing the application, financial claims are not accepted, due to the lack of technical ability to make a refund.

4.14. If the User’s card is blacklisted by the Security Service of the payment system and the account is blocked when attempting to transfer to it, Echange reserves the right not to return funds to the User.

4.15. The application should be paid exclusively according to the payment details issued by our Echange website.

4.16. When making an exchange, the minimum possible exchange amount is always indicated, as well as the maximum, taking into account the features of payment systems and reserves of the Echange service.

4.17. All claims about non-crediting of funds are accepted within 8 hours after the application receives the status “Executed”, or “Canceled.” No claims will be accepted beyond this period!

5. Cost of services

5.1. Tariffs are determined by the Service administration and published on the Service website. The Service Management has the right to change the Service rates without additional notice.

6. Taxation

6.1. The Service is not a tax agent for the User and will not notify the user about his tax expenses. The user undertakes to independently pay all taxes required by the tax legislation of the country of residence.

6.2. If the Service is required by the authorities to pay the User’s taxes or cover the debt incurred as a result of the User’s refusal to pay taxes, the User agrees to reimburse the Service for all these payments.

7. Guarantees and liability of the parties

7.1. The Echange Service is not financially liable to the User in the amount of the amount of the electronic asset or electronic money that was transferred to the Echange Service for the execution of the Application.

7.2. The Echange service provides services for the exchange, purchase and sale of electronic assets or electronic money. The Echange service does not provide fundraising services, does not provide payment for goods or services from other suppliers.

7.3. Echange Service is not liable to the User for financial losses caused by illegal actions of third parties that cannot be predicted or prevented.

7.4. Echange Service is not liable to the User for financial losses if the User has specified incorrect details for receiving funds. If the payment operation using these details is not possible, the service cancels the request with the appropriate comment.

7.5. Echange Service is not responsible for any deferred or unrealized Applications caused by an error of another Payment system or bank specified by the user in the completed Application. The User agrees that in this case all claims will be sent to the payment system or the bank. The Echange service will provide the necessary assistance to file a complaint or claim to another partner or bank.

7.6. In case of detection of falsification of communication flows or any negative impact on the normal operation of the program code of the Service, which is directly or indirectly related to the User’s Application, the execution of the Application by the Service is suspended, and the Application parameters are recalculated according to the current conditions or, in case the User disagrees with the recalculation, the refund is made electronic asset or funds to the payer’s details.

7.7. Echange Service is not responsible for partial or complete non-compliance with these Terms of Use, if such was the result of force majeure circumstances that cannot be prevented by reasonable measures.

User Responsibility:
7.8. If the User has entered incorrect data or provided incorrect data for the execution of the Application, Echange Service is not responsible for any losses of the User resulting from such an error.

7.9. In case of agreement with these Terms, the User honestly declares and confirms that:

7.10. He provided true and truthful information about himself, as well as authentic identification data;

7.11. He is not a participant in money laundering operations or transactions;

7.12. His income is not related to the implementation of criminal and/or terrorist activities;

7.13. His income is not related to the implementation of trade in countries where trade is prohibited by international organizations;

7.14. His income is not related to any other illegal activity.

7.15. The User undertakes not to disrupt the operation of the Echange Service by interfering with its software or hardware, as well as by distorting the parameters transmitted to the Service.

7.16. The User is not responsible for partial or complete non-compliance with these Terms and Conditions if it is caused by force majeure, unforeseen events or prevented by appropriate measures.

8. Other conditions

8.1. The use of the Echange Service in order to carry out fraudulent and illegal operations is prohibited.

8.2. The protection of user information and other confidential data is provided in accordance with the current legislation.

8.3. Echange Service, in case of suspicious actions during the application process by the User, in order to avoid damage from hacker attacks, has the right to suspend the execution of such operations until the reasons for these actions are clarified.

8.4. The Echange Service has the right to refuse to perform the operation of exchange, purchase and sale of electronic currencies if the transfer of an electronic asset to the Service account was made without making an Application using the user interface on the Service Website. The electronic currency transferred to the corresponding accounts of the Service by the User without making an Application using the user interface on the Service’s Website can be returned to the User upon request, taking into account the deduction of the payment system commission.

8.5. The Administration of the Service has the absolute right to refuse to provide services to any User, without explanation.

8.6. Information about the User and his operations is stored on the server and cannot be deleted. At the request of the User, access to the account can be restricted or deleted.

8.7. The period of response of the Echange Service to User requests may be up to five working days from the date of receipt of the corresponding User request.

9. Force majeure

9.1. If, in the event of force majeure, you or Echange are delayed in fulfilling or unable to fulfill any of these Terms, then such delay or non-compliance will not be considered a violation of these Terms, and neither you nor Echange can claim any loss or damage arising from such circumstances.

9.2. Below is an incomplete list of force majeure circumstances:
Error, incorrect operation, malfunction of servers that ensure the operability of the blockchain system.
Error, incorrect operation, malfunction of the servers that ensure the functionality of the wallet blockchain.
Excessive commission for sending a transaction (more than 10 USD) due to a failure or load of the blockchain network.
Error, incorrect operation, malfunction of the servers that ensure the operability of the payment system, by means of which the Customer pays for the application.

10. Final provisions

10.1. The Terms and Conditions are agreed with the User in electronic form. The Agreement with the Terms published in electronic form is valid and identical to the written consent.

10.2. The Echange Service has the right to unilaterally amend the Agreements by publishing changes on the Service’s Website. The changes come into force from the moment of publication, unless another date for the entry into force of the changes is additionally determined at the time of their publication. The User has the right to terminate the contractual relationship with the Echange Service due to his disagreement with the change of such Conditions. The User must notify the Echange Service of his disagreement with the amendment of the Terms and termination of the contractual relationship by sending a corresponding letter to the e-mail .

10.3. The Echange Service has the right to send the User information about the status of the exchange process, as well as other information, including advertising, to the e-mail specified by him. The User can unsubscribe from promotional mailings by clicking on the corresponding button in the received email.

10.4. The information posted on the website, including all graphic images, text information, program codes, etc., is the property of Echange , and is protected by copyright laws.

10.5. The User confirms that he is familiar with all the provisions of these Terms and Conditions and fully accepts them.

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